complimentary audits
The best decisions are based on objective data and observations.
The data-driven model is at the heart of nearly everything we do at Codeintel, and we believe that this practice has largely contributed to the successes we have been able to generate for our clients. This approach also promotes transparency, readily exposing strengths and weaknesses behind the elements and arguments which fuel every decision point in a marketing initiative's lifecycle.
If you don't know what's broken, or if you're not honest about what's broken, then you can't fix it, won't fix it, and you will fail!
In our commitment to be of service, we offer a set of complimentary audits to qualifying clients and future clients in the mortgage space.
If you are interested in any of our complimentary audits below, please click here.
why choose codeintel discover what we do

seo audit
you will fail without traffic
the traffic will not come on its own
wcag accessibility audit
it's the right thing to do
you care
it's the law.
privacy audit
it's the right thing to do
you care
it's the law.
security audit
security should not be compromised
you owe it to yourself, your company and everyone who visits your site
poor security is a legal liability
web citation audit
it is a simple and cheap way to boost SEO
it enhances your findability
performance audit
your online success depends on it
it's a reflection of your brand, your business, your commitment to excellence
To get started with a complimentary audit, please click here.